Saturday, January 25, 2014

What the side cross symbolize

Think the Sideways Cross Necklace, means for many women simply position in social life. The inset shows that you are not self centered. You are also active in the fashion it is. Christians are against people on the cross on the side interpretation announcement that they feel that it is outrageous. Others believe that the crucifix should be illustrated by its traditional type. The traditional cross is very meaningful to many Christian people and it must be represented in any form by following a style or mode. Several retail stores and Internet portals carry the Sideways Cross Necklace. A...
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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sideways cross

People always express themselves and their personalities through the clothes and accessories. And this is not only, in fact, this is a common trait with almost all of us. Our aesthetic, our outlook still defines us as a person. This is true not only clothes but also with jewelry. Trends and prospects in fashion jewelry keep changing continuously with time, as the trend of clothing. A new popular fashion in jewelry is the sideways cross. This style is an aesthetic orientation to the traditional cross pendant necklace. This style of cross is very popular because of its feminine design where the...
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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The history of sideways cross necklace

"please read a notice below first" The practice of crucifixion was probably first started in Persia convicts were then tied to a tree, or linked or impaled on a vertical pole, the aim of preventing their feet touching the ground considered sacred. This practice will then be introduced into Egypt and Carthage, the Hellenistic period, in various forms (Some argue that the cross-shaped T have originated in ancient Chaldea, and was used as a symbol of the god Tammuz, being shaped Tau, the initial of his name). At the end of the 1st century BC. AD, the Romans adopt, under the influence of the Carthaginians,...
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Sunday, January 5, 2014

sideways cross necklace meaning

Today a very popular new fashion in jewelry cross necklace is the sideway necklace cross. The cross on the side is a relatively recent approach to this type of jewelry, and quickly gained popularity among celebrities and fashion savvy consumers everywhere. There is a new generation of mode changes in the world of necklaces and accessories, sideways Cross necklace meaning; this is a delicate piece that consists of a chain of jewelry whose center is a cross that is in a position side. If you ask the question some Christians in the lateral direction cross pendant necklace Many people among them...
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